Radiopharmaceuticals and brain pathology studied with PET and SPECT

Historical Background of PET (William Feindel). Recent Advances in Radiotracers for PET Studies of the Brain (Joanna S. Fowler and Alfred P. Wolf). Perfusion Radiotracers (Richard C. Reba and B. Leonard Holman). The Testing of Putative Receptor Binding Radiotracers In Vivo (W. C. Eckelman). PET Instrumentation for Quantitative Tracing of Radiopharmaceuticals (Iwao Kanno). SPECT: State-of-the-Art Scanners and Reconstruction Strategies (Ronald J. Jaszczak). Biochemistry of the BBB with Respect to Functional Analysis by PET (L. E. Feinendegen and H. Herzog). Kinetic Analysis of Glucose Tracer Uptake and Metabolism by Brain In Vivo (Albert Gjedde and Hiroto Kuwabara). 15O Studies with PET (E. Meyer). PET Studies of the Human Brain During Mental Activity. Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations (Lennart WidTn). Use of PET to Evaluate Acute Stroke and Other Cerebrovascular Disorders (K. Herholz and W.-D. Heiss). Evaluation of Cerebral Hemodynamics with Positron Emission Tomograp hy (William J. Powers). The Use of SPECT in Focal Epilepsy (Samuel F. Berkovic and Christopher C. Rowe). Mapping of Local Cerebral pH with Positron Emission Tomography (N. M. Alpert, M. Senda, and J. A. Correia). Regional Cerebral Metabolic and Structural Changes in Normal Aging and Dementia as Detected by PET and MRI (David W. Weiss, Elaine Souder, and Abass Alavi). Evaluation of Brain Tumors by PET (G. J. Meyer and O. Schober). Kinetic Analysis of Radioligand Binding in Brain In Vivo (Albert Gjedde). In Vivo Studies of the Central Benzodiazepine Receptors in the Human Brain with Positron Emission Tomography (Pascale Abadie and J.-C. Baron). Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Imaging of Neuroreceptors in Mental Illness (Henry N. Wagner, Jr.). The Study of Schizophrenia with SPECT (J rg J. Pahl, Karim Rezai, Daniel S. O'Leary, and Nancy C. Andreasen). PET Studies of Movement Disorders (Mark Guttman and Gabriel LTger). Cognitive and Physiological Factors that Affect Regional Bloo d Flow and Other Measures of Brain Function (Karen Faith Berman and Daniel R. Weinberger). Index.
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