The Last Eighteen Years (1998–2014) of Fumarolic Degassing at the Poás Volcano (Costa Rica) and Renewal Activity

This chapter reviews the geochemical and isotopic data from the fumarolic gas discharges collected in a discontinuous mode from 1998 to 2014 at Poas volcano. During this period, the “Tico” volcano experienced a renewed phreatic activity that started in 2006 after a couple of decades of relative quiescence. In January 2009, a 6.2 Mw earthquake hit the village of Cinchona, which is located a 4 km to the east of Poas. As the phreatic activity kept evolving, the hyperacidic lake (“Laguna Caliente”) dried out and the high-temperature fumaroles that previously were likely entering the lake were revealed, though not accessible. The pyroclastic dome that formed in the early fifties was destroyed at the beginning of 2017 by several relatively small phreatomagmatic (strombolian and vulcanian type) small-size eruptions. The risk of sudden phreatic and phreato-magmatic events prevented the direct sampling of the fumaroles and as a consequence, no geochemical data were sampled in the last three years. Nevertheless, interesting hints were recorded by the gas geochemistry before the 2006 phreatic activity and the 2009 Cinchona seismic events, mainly based on the temporal variations of the H2S/SO2, H2/H2O, H2/Ar, CO/CO2, CH4/CO2 and HCl/HF ratios. However, in most cases the geochemical record is not complete since the gas discharging vents migrated or stopped their activity and new fumaroles formed up to the recent visual observations.
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