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Heat Treatment Strengthens

The flexural strength of Type I collagen, the major organic component of human dentin, increases with heat. We hypothesized that human dentin can be strengthened by heating, which may help prevent fracture of non-vital teeth after restoration. Beam-shaped dentin specimens were obtained from the crowns of human third molars. The dentinal tubular orientations were arranged to run parallel or perpendicular to loading surfaces. The flexural and microtensile strengths of dentin in the parallel specimens were 2- to 2.4-fold greater after being heated between 110°C and 140°C for 1 hr. The stress intensity factors at fracture also increased after specimens were heated. The x-ray diffraction analyses suggested that shrinking of the lateral packing of the collagen triple-helices from 14 A to 11 A was the probable cause of the strengthening of heated dentin. We conclude that heat treatment strengthens human dentin.
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