Automated nondestructive assay: Network-distributed instrument control

The nondestructive assay (NDA) laboratory at the Oak Ridge Y-12 plant is responsible for the analysis of the {sup 235}U contents of uranium-bearing process materials. Analyses are performed using an array of specialized gamma-ray and neutron detecting instruments. The laboratory was originally constructed using a central minicomputer to control all the instruments. This arrangement proved unsatisfactory because any computer failure resulted in the loss of all instrument functions. Recent advances in nuclear instrumentation molecule (NIM) instrumentation, networking technology, and motor control and data acquisition hardware allow a novel approach to NDA laboratory design. We are developing a new NDA laboratory with network-distributed instrument control for our facility that takes full advantage of these advances and overcomes the problems inherent in the old centralized system. This paper presents unique features of the network-distributed NDA laboratory at Y-12, and instrument enhancements under the new system is discussed in detail to illustrate our approach.
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