Towards a quantum-enhanced atomic clock on a chip

The Dick effect and quantum projection noise (QPN) are among the most stringent limiting factors for state-of-the-art atomic frequency standards, including both primary and secondary standards, as well as compact clocks. A possible solution to the Dick effect relies on Quantum Non-Destructive (QND) detection, which allows multiple interrogations with weak measurements on the same atomic ensemble. Furthermore, spin-squeezed states, which can also be prepared by such QND detection, have the potential to enable clock measurements beyond the standard quantum limit, by employing quantum correlations. Our experimental platform is a Trapped-Atom Clock on a Chip (TACC) that uses ultracold Rb atoms, having demonstrated metrological stability. In the second generation of this experiment, we target quantum enhancement by using QND detection and spin-squeezed ultra-cold atoms generated by cavity QED interactions. To reach this goal, we have integrated two fiber Fabry-Perot cavities on the clock chip, realizing a platform for cavity QED in the strong coupling and weak coupling regimes. With this new device we aim to explore spin squeezing at a metrologically relevant level of stability. Here, we report on the current status and perspectives of this project.
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