Smart Assistance Navigational System for Visually Impaired Individuals

This paper describes ultrasonic blind walking stick with the use of arduino.This device helps blind people to detect obstacles and to do their work easily and comfortably. In normal stick, the detection of the obstacle is not done and it is not efficient for visually impaired persons. The device measures the distance between objects and Smart Walking Stick by Ultrasonic sensor. When the objects or obstacles come in range of the ultrasonic sensor, he/she can know about the obstacle by hearing the sound generated by the Buzzer. It allows the user to walk freely by detecting obstacles in front of him. This proposed methodology is used to determine the obstacle with help of ultrasonic waves and infrared waves produced by the respective sensors. In this proposed paper GSM and GPS module is used provide alert message and location during the time of emergency. The blind person can send emergency message at times of risk, to his guardian, using GSM module. In this way, the GPS module will be used to give location notifications when the blind person is in threat. This proposed paper comprises of additional feature include RF transmitter and receiver which is utilized to recognize the fallen stick from the client if the stick is far from the visually impaired individual. The client has the RF transmitter and the stick comprises of RF receiver. The main objective of this methodology is to design a smart walking stick which is very much useful for those people who are visually impaired and are often need help from others.
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