Treatment of wastewater containing pharmaceuticals: biological treatment

Abstract Pharmaceuticals are biologically active compounds which are used to impart therapeutic effects in humans and animals. These pharmaceuticals compounds are contaminants of emerging concern due to their heavy use and release into the environment. Their persistence in waterways and drinking water has gained attention across the globe and among lawmakers, regulators, and the public, because they are active and often escape from the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) undisturbed or in transformed states. Most of the biological treatment technologies are not specifically designed to remove the pharmaceuticals. Moreover, the biological systems require careful selection of microbial consortium to efficiently eradicate or reduce the concentration of pharmaceuticals without having their adverse effects on the microorganisms. Therefore, in this chapter, the commonly used conventional (activated sludge process) and available technologies to eradicate pharmaceuticals from wastewater (WW) were discussed. Further novel method and advance treatment options to remove pharmaceuticals from the effluents were discussed in details. The removal mechanisms of pharmaceuticals, mainly sorption or biodegradation process and the impact parameters were elaborated. Moreover, the insights of the engineering aspects to improve the treatment efficiency of the pharmaceuticals were presented. For the stake holder, the insights of the technical and economic evaluation of the biological process were provided. In addition to pharmaceuticals WW generated from industries, the small flows generated from the healthcare centers (i.e., from pathology laboratories, private dental establishment, etc.), and their effect on the environment and the necessary measure were deliberated. Moreover, the consequences of climate change on the WWTPs and pathogen survival were well explained. Finally, the challenges to be addressed in mere future were detailed.
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