Investigation of Hybrid Methods for Elimination of Brilliant Blue Dye from Water Phase Using Various Nanomaterials Combined with Activated Sludge and Duckweed

The main goal of this experimental work is screening of different natural and synthetic nanomaterials and biopolymers that may improve elimination of stable micropollutants from water phase. In this work, as a target chemical acting as the micropollutant molecule, the Brilliant Blue (BB) dye was selected. We tested different active matrices dispersed in water phase including activated carbon (AC), lyophilized graphene oxide (GO), β-cyclodextrin (CD), raw dandelion pappus (DP), microcrystalline cellulose(MC), and raw pine pollen (PP), as well as two types of Egyptian Blue mineral pigments (EB1 and EB2). Graphene oxide and Egyptian Blue nanomaterials were synthesized in our laboratory. We investigated potential application of such nanoparticles and biopolymer conglomerates as additives that may tune the activated sludge (AS) microorganisms or duckweed water plant (DW) and increase efficiency of micropollutants removal from wastewater. Studied nanomaterials/biopolymers were used in two different experimental modes involving real activated sludge microorganisms (24 h experiment) as well as duckweed plant (16 day experiment). Quantitative data of BB were obtained using microfluidic type device based on micro-TLC plate. This approach enabled direct determination of target component without sample pre-treatment like pre-concentration or pre-purification. Within single analytical run calibration line, retention standard spots (methyl red) and multiple samples were analyzed simultaneously. Due to the multivariate nature of these experiments, quantitative data were explored with chemometric tools including AHC (agglomerative hierarchical clustering), PCA (principal component analysis), and FA (factor analysis). Experimental data and multivariate calculations revealed that BB is strongly resistant on biodegradation, however, inclusion complexes formation with β-cyclodextrinmay induce degradation of this dye in the presence of duckweed. It is hoped that results of our experimental work can be used for designing of future experiments for fast screening of different additives and improvement of technological processes, focusing on purification of sewage and water from micropollutants.
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