Clinicopathological Findings and Therapeutic Management of Secondary Photosensitization Caused by Lantana camara in Deccani Sheep Flock

A flock of twenty Deccani sheep was admitted to clinics with the history of swellings over face, ears, tail base, head shaking, rubbing head against hard objects, recumbency and death in three female sheep. Clinical examination of ailing flock revealed anorexia, increased rectal temperature and respiratory rate, tachycardia, swellings and crests formation or loss of hairs over ears, around eyes, submandibular area and tail base along with inco-ordination,intense itching and passing yellow to amber coloured urine. Haematological analysis revealed granulocytic leucocytosis. On post-mortem examination of dead animals, yellowish discolouration of conjunctival mucous membranes, sclera, subcutaneous tissue or fat and various organs including heart, liver and kidney was observed. Affected sheep were treated with tentative diagnosis of Lantana camara induced photosensitization and complete clinical recovery was observed in all affected sheep on 5th day of treatment. On the basis of history, clinical signs, haematological changes, post-mortem lesions and therapeutic response, the ailing flock was diagnosed for secondary photosensitization due to ingestion of Lantana camara .
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