Pengaruh Kosentrasi Mutagen Sodium Azida (NaN3) terhadap Daya Kecambah dan Keragaan Bibit Padi Gogo Varietas Jambek Rotan Generasi M-1

Th e experiment aims to observe the effect of mutagen concentration of sodium azide to the germination and seedling growth performance of upland rice varieties Jambek Rotan generation M-1 and the difference seedling growth of upland rice varieties Jambek Rotan on the generation of M-1 by a pplication Sodium azide some mutagen concentration. The experiment was conducted in an area behind the Soil Laboratory , Faculty of Agriculture , University of Riau , from May to July 2015. Research arranged experiment ally using a C ompletely R andomized D esign (CRD) , which consists of 5 treatments concentration of sodium azide (SA) , ie 0.0 mM SA , 0.5 mM SA, 1.0 mM SA, 1.5 mM SA and 2.0 mM SA and each treatment was replicated four times. Parameters observed were the percentage of live seed ling , seedling height, number of leaves and t he number of tillers. The results showed that the of s odium azide at a concentration of 2.0 mM produce the lowest p ercentage life seedling , but tend ed to produce the lower seed ling height and the more number of tillers .
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