Quantification of mitral regurgitation using high pulse repetition frequency three-dimensional color Doppler.

Background The aim of this study was to validate a novel method of determining vena contracta area (VCA) and quantifying mitral regurgitation using multibeam high–pulse repetition frequency (HPRF) color Doppler. Methods The Doppler signal was isolated from the regurgitant jet, and VCA was found by summing the Doppler power from multiple beams within the vena contracta region, where calibration was done with a reference beam. In 27 patients, regurgitant volume was calculated as the product of VCA and the velocity-time integral of the regurgitant jet, measured by continuous-wave Doppler, and compared with regurgitant volume measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Results Spearman's rank correlation and the 95% limits of agreement between regurgitant volume measured by MRI and by multibeam HPRF color Doppler were r s = 0.82 and −3.0 ± 26.2 mL, respectively. Conclusion For moderate to severe mitral regurgitation, there was good agreement between MRI and multibeam HPRF color Doppler. Agreement was lower in mild regurgitation.
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