BioSMS : biometric student management system

Recording student’s attendance is often seen as an‘enforcement’ as there will be consequences from their absence, however it is compulsory for public university in Malaysia. To get the attended students engaged in class is another challenge, thus Merit concept isintroduced which represent as ‘reward’. Apart from educating students academically, educator also play a role in shaping the student’s moral, thus Demerit concept may be suitable to be applied here which represents as ‘punishment’. Although merit and demerit are not compulsory to be done, many educators exercise these to capture student’s interest and engagement in class as well as nurturing good virtues amongst the students. Combining all these 3 elements into one management system will ease the educator’s burden.BioSMS, a Biometric Student Management Systemis developedto effectively record and manage attendance, merit and demerit of students at higher institute. Attendance and merit are marked after the student’s identification process usinga fingerprint reader. The output generated from this system arei) notification regarding attendance for pre warning, warning letters, accumulated merit and accumulated demerit, ii)warning letters regarding attendance in Microsoft Word document format and iii)certificate for accumulated merit in Microsoft Word document format.
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