Encapsulation of Streptococcus uberis: Influence of storage and cultural conditions

Abstract Streptococcus uberis ( n = 100) isolated from bovine mammary secretions were assessed by India ink for expression of capsule. Organisms were evaluated under four conditions; (1) after primary culture on blood agar, (2) following 5 passages on blood agar, (3) after 5 passages in Trypticase Soy Broth (TSB), and (4) after storage in 10% skim milk. Strains from primary culture (44 of 100) were positive for an unstained halo (capsule) by the India ink method. Number of strains expressing capsule decreased greatly after passage and following storage. Freeze-etching followed by electron microscopy confirmed results of India ink preparations. Strains were also cultured in various media to determine influence of medium components on capsule expression. Todd-Hewitt medium supplemented with either serum or egg yolk enhanced the size of capsule expressed. Results of this study may aid researchers investigating the pathogenicity of S. uberis .
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