Влияние Продактив Гепато на мясную продуктивность цыплят-бройлеров

The technological stresses accompanying the process of growing poultry significantly reduce its potential productive qualities. In this regard, the implementation of activities aimed at preventing the effects of stress is an urgent task of poultry farming. The use of vitamin-mineral fodder additive Hepato products in growing chicken broilers contributed to an improvement in the quality of the products obtained, in particular, to a decrease in dystrophic changes in the liver. Sanitary indicators of slaughter products using the Hepatoto Procurement corresponded to GOST. The additive used contains a complex of vitamins and amino acids that have high bioavailability, which increases the rate of recruitment of live weight of broiler chickens. In this case, the meat production of experienced broilers was higher, which is associated with an increase in the average daily weight gain.
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