Laser-Bioplasma Interaction: The Blood Type Transmutation In- duced by Multiple Ultrashort Wavelength Laser Beams 1 V. ALEXANDER

owing blood thin lms leads to the transmutation of the blood types A, B, and AB into O type. 2 This is a novel mechanism of importance for the transfusion medicine. Laser radiation is in resonance with the eigen-frequency modes of the antigen proteins and forces the proteins to parametrically oscillate until they get kicked out from the surface. The stripping away of antigens is done by the scanning-multiple-lasers of a high repetition rate in the blue-purple frequency domain. The guiding-lasers are in the red-green frequency domain. The laser force, (parametric interaction with the antigen eigen-oscillation), 3 upon the antigen protein molecule must exceed its weight. The scanning laser beam is partially reected as long as the antigen(s) is not eliminated. The process of the protein detachment can last a few minutes.
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