Actitudes hacia el alumnado con discapacidad en educación física: validación de la EAADEF-EP a la etapa de educación primaria

La investigacion que aborda la inclusion del alumnado con discapacidad en educacion fisica (EF) se presenta como un reto educativo en la actualidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue validar la Escala de Actitud hacia el Alumnado con Discapacidad en Educacion Fisica (EAADEF) de Iniguez-Santiago et al. (2017) a la etapa de educacion primaria (EAADEF-EP). Participaron 465 estudiantes (rango 9-13 anos) que cursaban 4o, 5o y 6o curso de la etapa de educacion primaria obligatoria (EPO). Se confirmaron unos indices de ajuste adecuados para la adaptacion de la EAADEF a EPO, mostrandose la estructura factorial invariante respecto al curso, genero, el contacto previo con familiares o amigos con discapacidad, el contacto con companeros con discapacidad en clase de EF, asi como por haber participado en una actividad deportiva con personas con discapacidad. Se obtuvieron valores excelentes de consistencia interna de los items (α = .79) y del constructo (ω = .98). Las correlaciones entre los items de la escala, asi como la correlacion entre los items y la puntuacion media de actitud, fueron positivas y significativas. El analisis de validez de criterio revelo que los chicos presentaron una actitud mas positiva hacia sus iguales con discapacidad en EF.===The research that addresses the inclusion of students with disabilities in physical education (PE) is an educational challenge at present. The aim of this study was to validate the Attitudes’ Scale towards Students with Disabilities in Physical Education from Iniguez-Santiago et al. (2017) at the compulsory primary education stage (PES) (EAADEF-EP). 465 students took part in this study (range 9 -13 years old), enrolled in 4th, 5th and 6th grade of the PES. Adequate adjustment indexes were confirmed for the adaptation of the EAADEF-EP to this education stage, showing an invariant factor structure with respect to the course, gender, contact with family members or friends with disabilities, contact with a partner with a disability in PE, as well as for having participated in a sports activity with people with disabilities. Excellent values of internal consistency were obtained for the items (α = .79) and the construct (ω = .98). The correlations between the items of the scale as well as the correlation between the items and the average attitude score were positive and significant, with values between .43 and .84. The analysis of criterion validity revealed that boys presented a more positive attitude towards their peers with disabilities in PE.
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