Hepatic morphology: variations and its clinical importance

Emergent technologies and advances in the fields of diagnostic radiology and gastroenterology have created a need to better understand the morphological features of the liver. Variations in these features are a potential source for diagnostic errors, which can lead to costly follow-up testing and detrimental health outcomes. In the present study, the morphological features of human cadaveric liver specimens were evaluated via macroscopic examination and measurements to asses for variations in accessory fissures/sulci, accessory lobes, and the pons hepatis. The study was conducted on 33 specimens obtained from cadavers utilized for routine dissection for first year medical students in the 2016-2017 academic year in the Department of Clinical Anatomy and Embryology at the Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine. Out of 33 specimens, 12 were considered normal without any accessory fissures, lobes, or presence of a pons hepatis. 21 livers had 1 or more morphological variations, which included but were not limited to: multiple accessory fissures, Riedel’s lobe, and varying degrees of pons hepatis. The study aims to throw greater light to the field of hepatic morphology and its variations.
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