Passive acoustic monitoring of fishes and a crustacean using a towed hydrophone in Tateyama bay

Passive acoustic monitoring is useful to observe presence of marine organisms such as marine mammals, fishes and crustaceans. We aimed to estimate the distribution of fishes and crustaceans using a towed hydrophone. A range-wide passive acoustic monitoring was conducted in Tateyama bay in Japan using R/V Takamaru (61t) on July, September and November in 2015 of day and night. The towed hydrophone (Towed Aquafeeler, AquaSound Inc., Japan) was used for the observation. The vessel cruised 5 knot on 5 lines to cover the focal survey area (N 35°020’—N 35°02’ and E 139°46—E 139°51). Recorded data with frequency from 100Hz to 20 kHz were analyzed. Recorded fish sounds have dominant frequency between 200 Hz and 1500 Hz and duration between 0.1 s and 2.1 s. Crustacean sound shows dominant frequency as 3 kHz–20 kHz with the duration of 10 ms—20 ms. Using these features, number of fish sounds was counted automatically using custom-made MATLAB program. Large number of the sounds were recorded in the nighttime than in...
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