Recommendations for local-regional anesthesia during the COVID-19 pandemic

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many questions have come up regarding safe anesthesia management of patients with the disease Regional anesthesia, whether peripheral nerve or neuraxial, is a safe alternative for managing patients with COVID-19, by choosing modalities that mitigate pulmonary function involvement Adopting regional anesthesia mitigates adverse effects in the post-operative period and provides safety to patients and teams, as long as there is compliance with individual protection and interpersonal transmission care measures Respecting contra-indications and judicial use of safety techniques and norms are essential The present manuscript aims to review the evidence available on regional anesthesia for patients with COVID-19 and offer practical recommendations for safe and efficient performance Desde o in�cio da pandemia de COVID-19, muitas quest�es surgiram referentes � seguran�a do manejo anest�sico de pacientes acometidos pela doen�a A anestesia regional, seja esta perif�rica ou neuroaxial, � alternativa segura no manejo do paciente COVID-19, desde que o emprego de modalidades que minimizam o comprometimento da fun��o pulmonar seja escolhido A ado��o desta t�cnica anest�sica minimiza os efeitos adversos no p�s-operat�rio e oferece seguran�a para o paciente e equipe, desde que sejam respeitados os cuidados com prote��o individual e de cont�gio interpessoal Respeito �s contraindica��es e emprego criterioso das t�cnicas e normas de seguran�a s�o fundamentais Este manuscrito tem por objetivo revisar as evid�ncias dispon�veis sobre anestesia regional em pacientes com COVID-19 e oferecer recomenda��es pr�ticas para sua realiza��o segura e eficiente
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