Faraday Effect of BSO and BTO Crystals Doped with Cr, Mn and Cu

The influence of both photochromic doping and photochromic transitions on the effect of magnetooptical rotation (Farady effect - FE) of undoped and doped with Cr, Mn and Cu Bi 12 SiO 20 (BSO) and Bi 12 TiO 20 (BTO) crystals is studied. The present results show, that Cr, Mn and Cu increase the FE. The influence of Cr, whose affect on the optical activity (OA) of BSO is most significant, here is too negligible (Verdet coefficient (V) increases only with 1-2 % in the range 700 - 590 nm). The Mndoping of BSO led to a V-increase with about of 11 % in the range 400 - 700 nm, as at 460 nm the relative increase of V reaches to about 30 %. The influence of Cu on FE in BSO (likely the case of the natural optical rotation) is again significant. Thus, the influence of V in the case of BSO:Cu is about 18 % in the range 700 - 480 nm as reaches 28 % in the shortwave region at 480 nm. However, in BTO:Cu (0.02 mol.% Cu) the influence of Cu is opposite in respect of both effects. Now the values of V increase with 21 % at 630 nm, 22 % at 590 nm, 42 % at 520 nm, and 73 % at 480 nm in comparison to BTOundoped.
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