The Effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning Model with the Encounter with God Learning Model Reviewing from Cognitive Styles on Learning Outcomes at Adiguna Maritim Indonesia Polytechnic Medan

Until now, the implementation of the Christian Religious Education lecture process at Non-Theological Colleges is well programmed according to the curriculum. However, especially Maritime higher education institutions that have graduated Ship Officers, both those who work in the country and those who work abroad, still stick to the negative image of  society, namely "Evil Sailors Don't Fear God". Seeing and hearing this image, as a lecturer at the Adiguna Maritim Indonesia Polytechnic (Poltek Ami) Medan, who has served 33 years since 1986, as a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ feels called and is interested and sympathetic, then seeks to find out how to overcome the impression this ugly from society. On the other hand, the researchers reviewed the learning model applied by the PAK course lecturers, who have been using the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model, with their learning styles and various teaching methods, from this the idea emerged to try to offer another learning model, namely the listed in the 2013 National Curriculum, the 2016 revision of the K13 year is the Encounter With God-EWG Learning Model, in terms of cognitive style. With all the knowledge that has been bestowed by God to the Servant, make a research with the title written above. The purpose of this research is to offers a Learning Model to strengthen students' faith in Jesus Christ in daily life and fear God and touch more on the affective aspect. The research carried out is experimental research by quantitative means and data analysis techniques using statistical formulations. It turns out that the PAK learning outcomes of students who use the EWG (Encounter With God) learning model with a score of 90, are higher than the learning outcomes obtained by students who use the EWG learning model using the CTL learning model, PAK learning outcomes with a score of 80, and students who have a field independent cognitive style with a score of 85, higher than the PAK learning outcomes of students who have a field dependent cognitive style with a score of 80, and there is an interaction between the learning model and cognitive style significant impact on PAK learning outcomes, as well as the implication that the application of the EWG model is more motivated and It is fun to learn PAK and it is also supported by students who have a field independent cognitive style so that students feel as if they are EWG. Keywords: CTL & EWG Learning Model, Cognitive Style, Quantitative Research Experiments, Student Learning Outcomes DOI: 10.7176/JEP/12-21-05 Publication date: July 31 st 2021
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