Future Directions in Water and Wastewater Management - Research and Development at United Water

United Water International (UWI) is the largest private water company operating in Australia and New Zealand, providing comprehensive water and wastewater services to more than one million people. In Adelaide, South Australia, UWI is responsible for the management, maintenance and operation of six water treatment plants, four wastewater treatment plants, 130 storage tanks, 300 pump stations and approximately 15,000km of pipe network. As part of their long term operational contract with the South Australian Water Corporation (SAWater) UWI is committed to Research and Development (R and D) equivalent to $AUS1M/annum and, as such, R and D is a key UWI activity. A number of the major R and D initiatives currently active at UWI are the development of on-line tools for the management of water treatment plants and networks, and a focus on the development of strategies and technologies for improving the efficiency of wastewater reuse. This paper outlines a number of key projects currently being undertaken by UWI in these areas.
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