Vaginal cytology in women using oral contraceptives.

The present study was undertaken to assess the effect of a known synthetic steroid on vaginal epithelium as a diagnostic and prognostic tool. Biweekly vaginal smears from 10 multiparous normally menstruating Indian females ages 21-40 were studied for 3 consecutive cycles during which time they received Voldys 21 oral contraceptive which contained both estrogen and progesterone. 7 of these cases acted as controls for themselves since their daily smears had been studied prior to the medication. In general all smears had present a large number of leukocytes and Doderlein bacilli. There was a loss of cyclic pattern normally seen by midzonal maturation index low karyopyknotic index and the appearance of navicular cells with marked curling and folding of cells. The appearance of occasional cells having larger than a 5 micron-sized nucleus during the 2nd and 3rd cycles of medication may be suggestive of some significant effect with regard to the prolonged use of this oral contraceptive. (authors)
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