Paracellular transport as a strategy for energy conservation by multicellular organisms

ABSTRACTParacellular transport of solutes and water accompanies transcellular transport across epithelial barriers and together they serve to maintain internal body composition. However, whether paracellular transport is necessary and why it evolved is unknown. In this commentary I discuss our recent studies to address this question in the proximal tubule of the kidney. Paracellular reabsorption of sodium occurs in the proximal tubule and is mediated by claudin-2. However, deletion of claudin-2 in mice does not affect whole kidney sodium excretion because it can be completely compensated by downtream transcellular transport mechanisms. This occurs at the expense of increased oxygen consumption, tissue hypoxia and increased susceptibility to ischemic injury. It is concluded that paracellular transport acts as an energy saving mechanism to increase transport without consuming additional oxygen. It is speculated that this might be why paracellular transport evolved in leaky epithelia with high transport needs.
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