Short communication Lack of somatic mutation in the PTEN gene in squamous cell carcinomas of human skin

The tumor suppressor gene PTEN is deleted and:or mutated in a variety of tumors and the susceptibility gene for Cowden disease. Loss of heterozygosity of chromosome 10q23, where PTEN resides, in squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs) of human skin and the association of SCC with Cowden disease were reported previously. In the present study, we screened for mutations of PTEN in SCCs by polymerase chain reaction‐single strand conformation polymorphism analysis to examine whether PTEN is involved in the carcinogenesis of SCC. None of 21 SCCs showed somatic mutations in the coding regions of PTEM. Instead the same allelic variation was detected in two cases without any clinical features of Cowden disease. Our results indicate that inactivation of PTEN does not play an important role in the carcinogenesis of SCC. © 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
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