Functional Features of Microcirculation System and its Possibilities of Oxygen Transport in Children and Youths of Bryansk Region in Conditions of Radioecological Pressure.

: The questions of influence of low radiation doses on microcirculation of blood in ontogeny of males from 7 to 27 years are presented in the article. Using the method of laser Doppler ultrasounds, optical oximetry and laser fluorescent diagnostics, we studied the blood perfusion level in the microcirculation system of 315 schoolchildren and students, considered the regulation mechanisms of microcirculation, the level of oxygen saturation of hemoglobin both in the circulation system and mixed blood, the index of oxygen utilization in tissues and the value of fluorescent use of oxygen. We received the information about the changes in the frequency of occurrence of different microcirculation types associated with the age and region of residence. In the case of higher radiation levels we marked a significant increase of individuals with the "extreme" microcirculation type (hypoemic and hyperemic) against the background of the decreased mesoemic type. A special feature of the metabolism process in children, teenagers, and youths is a decrease of the microcirculation density with an increase of the myogenic tone of metaarterioles and precapillary sphincters. The tone of arterioles grows with age. As a result of the limited blood volume, oxygen. is pulled compensatory from blood in larger amounts; it is shown from a significant decrease of the level of oxygen saturation in mixed blood. The strongest differences are shown for the hypoemic and hyperemic microcirculation type. Dwelling on the areas with radio-ecological pressure is accompanied by an increase in the fluorescent index of oxygen use. The level of the total oxygen use in these individuals is higher than in those living in radiation favorable areas.
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