Images in Cardiovascular Medicine Peripheral Vascular Malformation (Servelle-Martorell)

irculation is pleased to announce a new initiative inpublishing: Circulation Online Only. In an effort topublish various types of articles more rapidly, we are lookingto put the Internet to its highest and best use and take fulladvantage of electronic publication. Thus, we now have asection of our journal entitled Circulation Online Only. Thearticles to be published in this section will be identified, andwhen applicable, an abstract published, on the special page inthe print journal differentiated by a red border. Each articlethat appears in Circulation Online Only is indexed in IndexMedicus, MEDLINE, and PubMed. Each article will alsoappear in the Table of Contents on the cover, denoted by a redstar, and in the Table of Contents within the journal, denotedby the letter e in front of the page number.We will now present the following articles Online Only:Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews, ClinicopathologicalConferences, and News. This will allow more rapid publica-tion of these contributions and their presentation to thereadership in a more timely manner.In an effort to reduce the time required for the publicationof manuscripts in Circulation and to keep the journal small insize and more readable, the Editors have decided to presentmost of the “Materials and Methods” portion of manuscriptspublished in Circulation as Online Only pages beginning inMarch 2000. This will allow us to save several pages in eachissue of the printed journal and make it possible to move upin time manuscripts now waiting to be published. We shallmonitor this effort closely and shall initially regard it as atemporary alteration in our publication method. However, if itis useful and worthwhile and does not detract from the printedjournal, we shall adopt this procedure more permanently inthe future.James T. Willerson, MD,Editor-in-Chief
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