Efficacy of Ischaemic preconditioning in the eNOS overexpressed working mouse heart model

Abstract We recently demonstrated that exogenous nitric oxide (NO) acts as a trigger for preconditioning in the isolated rat heart model. There is however little data concerning the effects of elevated cardiac endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression on myocardial tolerance to ischaemia. Similarly, the effects of gender and eNOS overexpression on ischaemic preconditioning is unknown. We hypothesized that: 1) eNOS overexpression increases myocardial tolerance to ischaemia, and, 2) eNOS overexpressed hearts cannot be preconditioned, since the hearts are already maximally protected. Male and female wild-type and transgenic mice that overexpress eNOS exclusively in cardiac myocytes were perfused in the working heart mode with a modified Krebs–Henseleit buffer at a pre-load of 12.5 mm Hg and afterload of 50 mm Hg. Cardiac output, coronary flow, peak aortic systolic pressure and total work were determined before hearts were preconditioned by 4 × 5 min cycles of ischaemia/reperfusion, and then subjected to 20 min total global ischaemia, followed by reperfusion. Reperfusion function and myocardial infarct size were used as endpoints. Pre-ischaemic mechanical function (rate pressure product and cardiac output) was similar for wild-type and transgenic mice of both sexes. The eNOS overexpressed hearts had smaller infarcts than the hearts from their wild-type littermates (26.9 ± 1.4% vs. 37.0 ± 2.1% for controls, P P P
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