Studies on the aroma of Sauvignon wine.

The Sauvignon variety is part of the grape varieties semi-aromatic; the flavor is not given by the terpenes, as the aromatic varieties (muscat) but is given by other compounds, found in grapes under the form of precursors flavor, odorless thiols and after the alcoholic fermentation are converted in corresponding aromatic thiols. The volatile compounds that participate at the Sauvignon flavor, according to some authors are mercaptans and especially the 4mercapto-4-metylpentan-2-one and after others is methoxypyrazine, compound with a decisive role in the variety flavor. There were analyzed three Sauvignon wines from the wine region Dealu Mare, vintage from 2007, 2008 and 2011. The wines were analyzed physico-chemical and analytical technique of GC/MS. In the Sauvignon case of the 2011 year there was identified and determined quantitatively with the GC/MS method, three compounds from the mercaptans group with role in the Sauvignon aroma: 4-mercapto-4-metylpentan-2-one, 3-mercaptohexan-1-ol and 3mercaptohexyl acetate. The results led to the identification and dosing of seventeen volatile compounds. In the highest concentration was found phenyl-2-ethanol, made with rose flower scent. From the esters prevail the 2-hydroxy-ethyl propanoate and ethyl acetate. Regarding the mercaptans the results show that they have an important role in the flavor of Sauvignon, the determined concentrations are grater than their threshold of perception.
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