Munchausen Hemoptizi: Nadir Görülen Bir Yapay Bozukluk Çeşidi

Munchausen Hemoptysis: A Rare Type of Factitious Disorder Munchausen Syndrome defined by Asher in 1951 is named after fictitious Baron Karl FriedrichVon Munchausen.This syndrome is characterized by constituting diseases, pathological lying, and visiting healt care units many times with many hospitalizations. These patients seek attention of healthworkers pretending to be sick when in fact they are not. They try to obtain the care and intimacy from health professionals, which they don’t feel they have in daily life They can have the support of physicians because they generally have medical information to a degree to define symptoms. Their medical history is generally full of hard to believe tales. The presented case was a 27-year-old female with three children. She attended the outpatient clinic with complaint of hemoptysis but investigations proved that she created the condition herself by traumatizing her oral mucosa. The etiology of this syndrome which is not fully understood, as well as strategies for differential dignosis is discussed and highlights for management of such patients are underlined in the article Keywords: Factitiousdisorder, Munchausen, hemoptysis Munchausen Hemoptizi: Nadir Gorulen Bir Yapay Bozukluk Cesidi Munchausen Sendromu, adini Baron Karl Friedrich Von Munchausen’dan alan ve Asher tarafindan 1951 yilinda tanimlanan bir bozukluktur. Bu sendrom, hastalik olusturma, patolojik yalan soyleme, saglik kuruluslarina cok kez ziyarette bulunma ve sik hastaneye yatma oykusu ile karakterize bir durumdur. Bu kisiler hasta olmadiklari halde, hasta taklidi yaparak gunluk hayatta goremediklerine inandiklari ilgiyi, doktor, hemsire ve diger gorevlilerde bulmaya calisirlar. Kismen tip bilgileri de oldugu icin, saglik calisanlarini inandiracak kadar belirti tarif edip amaclarina ulasabilirler. Hastalarin tibbi ozgecmisleri cogunlukla inanilmasi cok guc oykuler ile doludur. Sunulan vaka, 27 yasinda evli ve 3 cocuklu bir kadindi. Agizdan kan gelmesi yakinmasi ile basvurmus, ancak yapilan incelemeler sonucu bu durumu hastanin kendisinin agiz mukozasini travmatize ederek yarattigi belirlenmisti. Makalede, bu sendromun tam olarak bilinmeyen etiyolojisinin tartisilmasinin yani sira, ayirici tanida akla gelmesi gereken durumlar gozden gecirilmis ve bu hastalarin takibinde onemli oldugu dusunulen noktalarin alti cizilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yapay Bozukluk, Munchausen, hemoptizi
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