Desarrollo de jamón prensado a partir de carne de conejo y pulpa de jurel parcialmente desodorizada

La crianza de conejo tiene un alto impacto en el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los pobladores rurales; por otra parte, su carne presenta excelentes caracteristicas desde el punto de vista nutricional (conte-nido bajo de grasa y colesterol). Sin embargo, en Chi-le no existen estadisticas del consumo per capita de carne de conejo. Para fomentar el consumo de este tipo de carne, una estrategia viable seria utilizarla como materia prima para la fabricacion de embutidos y derivados, ya que en Chile en los ultimos 20 anos la produccion anual de estos productos aumento desde 40 a 234,6 miles de toneladas (5,86 veces). El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo el formular y elaborar tres tipos de jamones con distintas propor-ciones de carne de conejo (Op-y,ctolagits cuniculus) y un extensor natural (pulpa de jurel parcialmente des-odorizada), manteniendo el sabor de la carne de corte-jo en el producto terminado. Se desarrollaron tres formulaciones de jamon pren-sado (F-1, F-2, F-3), las que variaron en la proporcion del contenido de carne de conejo y el extensor. Para su seleccion se aplicaron pruebas de evaluacion senso-rial. Ademas, se determino el tiempo de vida util en el almacenamiento a una temperatura de 4 `C, se realiza-ron analisis quimicos, fisicos, mierobiologicos y sen-soriales. Los resultados de la evaluacion sensorial emitidos por los jueces indicaron la preferencia por la formula-cion F-2 (50% de carne de conejo y 30% de pulpa de jurel parcialmente desodorizada) con un nivel de con-fianza de p :1~ 0,05. El tiempo de durabilidad del pro-ducto fue de 14 dias a la temperatura de almacena-miento indicada, manteniendo su aptitud para el consumo segun lo establecido (Anonimo, 1997b). El presente estudio demostro que es factible elabo-rar un tipo de jamon de conejo con una alta aceptabi-lidad y con una 30% de pulpa de jurel par-cialmente desodorizada = The rabbit upbringina has a high iinpact in the im-provement of the quality of the rural residents' life; on the other hand, its meat presents excellent characteristic from the nutritional point of view (low content of fat and cholesterol). However, in Chile they don"t exist statistical of the consumption per capita of rabbit ineat. To foment the consumption of this nicat type, a viable strategy would be, lo use it as meter prevai1s for the production of sausages and derived, since in Chile iti the last 20 years, the annual production of these produets increascti from 40 to 234.6 thousands of tons (5.86 times). The present study had as objective to formulate and to elaborate tl---tree types of pressed hams with different proportions of rabbit meat and an extending one natural (partially deodorized jurel pulp), maintaining the characte-risties of flavor of the rabbit meat in the finislied product. Three formulations of pressed hams were developed (17-1, F-2, F-3), those that varied in the proportion of the content of rabbit incat and the cxtending one. For tlicir selection, tests of sensorial evaluation (principal determination applied to find out differences) were applied. Also, the time of shelf life on the storage was detemined to a teniperatura of 4 `C, they were carried out physical, chemical and microbiological analysis. Of the tliree formulations of pressed liartis that wore developed, those that varied in the proportion of the con-tent of rabbit meat and partially deodorized jurel pulp, maintaining the llayor of the rabbit ineat in the finislied product, was chosen. The results of the sensorial evalua-tion emitted by the panclist indicated the preference for the formula F-2 (50% of rabbit meat and 30% of partially deodorized jurel pulp) with a probability of p < 0.05. The shelf iife of this product had a duration of 14 days to the suitable storage tomporature. maintainin- its aptitude for the consumption aecording to that settled down in the Sanitary Regulation of the Foods. The present s(udied it demorIstrated that it is feasibie lo elaborate a type of rabbit liani with a high acceptability and with an addition of 300/c partially deodorized jurel puip
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