A System for Generating Publication Statistics Basd on Bibliographic Infornation : Bibliometric Analysis for the Development of Economic and Social Thought

Bibliographic information consists of bibliographic descriptions such as authors, titles, details of publication status, etc. This secondary information not only functions as access points to literature but also provides experimental data for bibliometric analyses. In particular, bibliographic information, despite its seemingly simple components such as an author's name, title, place and date of publication, offers useful data for a bibliometric analysis when used with a bio-bibliographic approach. We try linkage experiments of the bib]iographic items belonging to the same authorship in the Widener Library Shelflists (WLS) database compiled by the Harvard University Library by applying the "Repeated Publication Over Generations (REPLOG)" pattern. The REPLOG system, devised for this study, identifies principal authors, two or more of whose books were published beyond their lifetimes. In addition to ferreting out important figures in the history of social sciences a tentative trial for producing statistics on transitions of important cities in the history of economics is carried out.
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