Classification of M2-brane 2-torus bundles, U-duality invariance and type II gauged supergravities.

In this paper we obtain the complete classification of the inequivalent classes of M2-brane symplectic torus bundles with monodromy in $SL(2,Z)$ and their precise U-duality relations among them. There are eight inequivalent classes of bundles whose monodromy groups, at low energies, are in correspondence with the gauging groups of the eight type II gauged supergravities in nine dimensions. Four of those have been previously found and they correspond to the 'type IIB side'. In this paper we provide the explicit realization of the remaining four classes associated to the 'type IIA side'. The precise M2-brane U-duality relations between the eight inequivalent classes of bundles have allowed to identified the remaining four ones. We conjecture that the classes of gaugings -- classifying the eight types of II gauged supergravity in nine dimensions -- are determined by the inequivalent coinvariant classes associated to the base and the fiber of the supermembrane bundles and their duals.
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