Influência da época e do número de desrama sobre o desenvolvimento inicial de Tectona grandis l. F. no sistema silvipastoril

This study was developed to evaluate the number and epoch of the pruning and its influence on the development in height, diameter and quality of the frustum of a teak stand in silvipastoral system, located in the municipality of Alta Floresta, northern region of the state of Mato Grosso. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four treatments (T1: pruning three times a year in August, November and February, T2: pruning only in February, T3: pruning only in August and T4: pruning only in November) and five repetitions with eight trees per plot, totaling 160 trees. Pruning was applied at 12, 24 and 36 months of age. Evaluated the DAP (1.30 m), overall height, height and diameter increments, and frustum quality are polluted. The application of the T2 treatment (artificial pruning carried out in February) had a positive effect on the initial development of T. grandis in the silvopastoral system in the Alta Floresta region, Mato Grosso
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