Viscosity of mixtures of protein aggregates with different size and morphology

Protein aggregates were generated by thermal denaturation of whey protein isolate. Depending on the heating conditions, fractal aggregates of various sizes or microgels were obtained. The osmotic compressibility and correlation length of mixtures of fractal aggregates of different sizes were found to be close to the weighted averages of the individual components at the same concentration. The viscosity of these mixtures can be described by a logarithmic mixing law using the weight fraction and the viscosity of the individual components. The same mixing law describes the behavior of mixtures of fractal aggregates and microgels. The effect of the type of protein was investigated by mixing fractal aggregates formed by whey and soy protein isolates. It is suggested that the viscosity of the mixtures is determined by cooperative movement over length scales much larger than the size of the aggregates.
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