Actividad física en estudiantes universitarios beneficiarios de un programa nacional de becas de inclusión social Physical activity in university students beneficiaries of a national social inclusion scholarship program

La etapa universitaria tiende a cambiar los patrones de conducta saludable, como la disminucion de la actividad fisica. Diversas intervenciones han promovido la inclusion de jovenes de escasos recursos al contexto universitario peruano. Por tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de la actividad fisica saludable y los factores sociodemograficos asociados a la actividad fisica en estos estudiantes. Se realizo unainvestigacion de tipo cuantitativa, descriptiva, prospectiva y transversal, con una muestra de 1.598 becarios, utilizando el Cuestionario Global de Actividad Fisica (GPAQ) y un cuestionario de recoleccion de datos sociodemograficos, que fueron administrados virtualmente. Se encontro una prevalencia de actividad fisica por debajo del nivel saludable del 18.3%. Los factores determinantes para ser activos fisicamente fueron: sexo (p <0.001) con un 17% de mayor probabilidad de ser activo saludable en el sexo masculino sobre el femenino; tener como lengua materna al quechua presento un 8% de mayor probabilidad de ser activo fisicamente que los que tenian como lengua materna el espanol (RPa 1.08 , IC95 1.03 - 1.16 y p =0.021) y estudiar en una region natural como la selva presento gran probabilidad de tener mayores niveles de actividad fisica (RPa 1.14 , IC95 1.05 - 1.21 y p <0.001) en comparacion a los estudiantes de la costa. Se concluyo que existe una alta frecuencia de actividad fisica saludable dentro de los estudiantes universitarios becados. El sexo, lugar de estudio y la lengua originaria estan asociados a un mayor nivel de actividad fisica. The university stage tends to change healthy behavior patterns, such as decreased physical activity. Various interventions have promoted the inclusion of young people with limited resources in the Peruvian university context. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of healthy physical activity and the sociodemographic factors associated with physical activity in these students. A quantitative, descriptive, prospective and cross-sectional research was carried out, with a sample of 1,598 scholars, using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) and a questionnaire for collecting sociodemographic data, the questionnaires were administered virtually. A prevalence of physical activity below the healthy level of 18.3% was found. The determining factors to be physically active were sex (p <0.001) with a 17% greater probability of being healthy active in males over females; having quechua as their mother tongue presented an 8% greater probability of being physically active than those who had Spanish as their mother tongue (RPa 1.08, IC95 1.03 - 1.16 and p = 0.021) and studying in a natural region such as the jungle presented great probability of having higher levels of physical activity (RPa 1.14, IC95 1.05 - 1.21 and p <0.001) compared to the students from the coast. It is concluded that there is a high frequency of healthy physical activity among scholarship university students. Sex, place of study and the native language are associated with a higher level of physical activity.
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