Morphoanatomy Studies of the Pericarp of Lagonychium farctum (Banks and Sol.) Bobr. Growing in Egypt

Ethnomedicinal implies the usage of medicinal plants used by a group of people on account of their traditional knowledge and phytochemical means the individual chemical that plant contains. This review involves the ethnomedicinal and phytochemical perspectives of Pyrus communis Linn. In the “The Indian Materia Medica”, the common pear or gabbu gosha is considered as ‘Amritphale’ because of its immense potential in human health care system. Various phenolic glucoside compounds have been isolated and identified from Pyrus communis Linn. e.g. arbutin, quercetin, kaempferol, fredielin, sterols, isoquercitrin, ursolic acid, sorbitol, astragalin, phloridzin and various tannins responsible for different activities viz. in urinary therapeutics, as skin whitening agent, antiinflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, analgesic, astringent, spasmolytic. It is also used in diabetes because of low sucrose content. Keyword: Pyrus communis, phenolics, antioxidant.
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