Assigning shark fin origin using species distribution models needs a reality check

[Extract] The conservation and management of shark populations have become urgent issues to ensure the future health of our oceans [1]. There are many drivers of the decline of shark populations, with the demand for shark fins being one of the more important [2]. Understanding fin origin can help identify regions for improved management, and hence has been the focus of recent research (e.g. Fields et al. [3], Cardenosa et al. [4]). In a recent Biology Letters article, Van Houtan et al. [5] contributed to this work using data on species composition of shark fins at four markets and species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the probability of fin origin. Their purpose was to address knowledge gaps in source and trade routes of shark products, which currently limit the effective allocation of management resources. While the broad concept behind their paper is novel, we disagree with the results and conclusions owing to flaws in methodology and interpretation.
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