Caracterización estacional del hábitat fluvial del río Erro (Navarra)

Fourteen representative reaches of the Erro River (Navarre) are described on the basis of the aquatic habitat assessment carried out during winter, summer and autumn 2002. Several stream reach features (depth, channel width, bank slope, water velocity, substrate type, aquatic vegetation and shading) and water quality parameters (temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved solids and dissolved oxygen) were measured and analysed. Results show that the overall state of the Erro river is good, even though a fragile reach was detected downstream from Erro town. Although this reach was in fair conservation status, it seems to be liable to suffer deterioration unless proper conservation strategies are implemented. We suggest to include this fragile reach in the Natura 2000 Site "Sistemas Fluviales del los Rios Irati, Urrobi y Erro".
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