Semantics, Logic, and Verification of "Exact Real Computation".

This work formalizes "Exact Real Computation" (ERC): a paradigm combining (i) ALGEBRAIC imperative programming of/over abstract data types (ADTs) for CONTINUOUS structures with (ii) a selection and sound semantics of primitives computable in the sense of Recursive ANALYSIS, that is, by means of approximations -- yet presented to the user as exact. We specify a small imperative programming language for the ADT of real (i.e., including transcendental) numbers with rigorous semantics: arguments are provided, passed to and received from calls to functions (like $e^x$), and operated on EXACTLY -- with partial inequality predicate and multivalued binary SELECT and continuous conditional (aka PARALLEL-IF) operations -- yet REALIZING a function (again like $e^x$) requires only to APPROXIMATE its return value up to guaranteed absolute error $2^p$ for any given integer $p$: closure under composition is implicit. We prove this language Turing-COMPLETE: it can express precisely those partial real functions computable in the sense of Recursive Analysis; similarly for functionALs. Three basic numerical problems demonstrate both the convenience and novel control-flow considerations of this approach to Reliable Numerics: multivalued integer rounding, solving systems of linear equations, and simple root finding. For rigorously specifying and arguing about such (non-extensional) computations, we propose a first-order theory over two sorts: integers and reals; and prove it both decidable and 'model complete': thus reflecting the elegance inherent to real (as opposed to rational/floating point) numbers. Rules of Hoare Logic are extended to support formal correctness proofs in ERC.
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