Кардиодепрессивный и вазоплегический тесты – прогностические модели в выборе вида анестезии у онкоурологических больных

According to the data of various authors, the frequency of hypotension development during central neuraxial blocks is in the range of 27-33%. Hypovolemia and insufficiency of cardiovascular compensation mechanisms are the key factors promoting the development of hypotension. Cardiac arrest is considered to be an adverse developmental variation of hemodynamic reactions. In this respect the success of resuscitation is considered as low due to obvious reasons. High risk of described adverse reactions makes necessary the analyses of conditions that can simulate block reaction in each specific case.The research work involves retrospective analysis of circulatory arrest during subarachnoid block by using nitroglycerin functional test and demonstrates the dependence of block circulatory reaction on cardiovascular fitness.
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