Stable labeled microspheres to measure perfusion: validation of a neutron activation assay technique.

Neutron activation is an accurate analytic method in which trace quantities of isotopes of interest in a sample are activated and the emitted radiation is measured with high-resolution detection equipment. This study demonstrates the application of neutron activation for the measurement of myocardial perfusion using stable isotopically labeled microspheres. Stable labeled and standard radiolabeled microspheres (15 μm) were coinjected in an in vivo rabbit model of myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. Radiolabeled microspheres were detected with a standard gamma-well counter, and stable labeled microspheres were detected with a high-resolution Ge detection after neutron activation of the myocardial and reference blood samples. Regional myocardial blood flow was calculated from the deposition of radiolabeled and stable labeled microspheres. Both sets of microspheres gave similar measurements of regional myocardial blood flow over a wide range of flow with a high linear correlation (r = 0.95–0.99). Neutron ac...
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