Mots clés : Vaches laitières, boiterie, conditions favori- santes, hygiène animale, technologie. Hygienic and technological conditions favouring lameness in dairy cows: a review

SUMMARY The lameness is a complex problem and its development depends on many factors such as technologies of rearing of young animals and dairy cows, the proper design and construction of animal buildings as well as the built-in equipment; the main microclimatic and hygienic conditions of surrounding environment. The social hierarchy, genetic predisposition, age, body condition and lactation stage are aggravating factors for higher rates of lameness in some farms, depending on the applied technology of farming. Farmers around the world spend thousands of Euros in the construction of their farms, but above all, they should be familiar with the animal hygiene and technological characteristics of each system otherwise any deviation or failure from established norms may induce high sensitivity and risk of lameness in dairy cows.
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