Türkiye’de Ulaştırma Sektörünün Potansiyeli Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz (Potential of The Transport Sector in Turkey on A Comparative Analysis)

Turkiye, artan nufusu, buyuyen ekonomisi, iki kitayi birlestiren ve uc tarafi denizlerle cevrili jeopolitik yapisiyla, ticaretin kesistigi, ulastirma sistemlerinin hepsini kullanabilen stratejik bir konuma sahiptir. Ulastirma sistemlerinin ekonomik, teknolojik oldugu kadar sosyo-kulturel faydalari da sozkonusudur. Kisacasi, ulastirma ekonomisinde yaratilacak pozitif dissalliklar, ekonomik kalkinmaya katki saglamaktadir. Bu baglamda, gelisen tum ulkelerde oldugu gibi Turkiye icin de ulastirma sektoru, ekonomide onemli bir yere sahiptir.  Bu nedenlerle, ulastirma sistemlerini etkin ve verimli kullanarak, gerekli planlamalari yaparak sahip oldugu bu avantajlarini surdurulebilir kilmak durumundadir. Bu calisma, Turkiye’nin ulastirma sektorunun gelisimine yonelik stratejik hedefleri iceren kapasitesinin, gelismis ulke ornekleriyle karsilastirmali sekilde incelenmesidir. Ayrica, ilgili sektore yonelik varolan sorunlarin tespiti ve cozum yonlu onerilerin gelistirilmesi amaclanmaktadir. Calisma kapsaminda, secilmis AB ulke orneklerine ve Avrupa Kafkasya Asya Ulastirma Koridoru (TRACECA) degerlendirmelerine de yer verilecektir. Abstract Turkey, increasing population, growing economy, with geopolitical structure that connects two continents and surrounded on three sides by the sea, at the intersection of trade, has a strategic location that can use all of the transportation system. There is also socio-cultural benefit as much as transportation systems are economical and technological. In short, the positive externalities to be created in the transport economy contribute to economic development. In this respect, as in all developing countries for the transport sector, Turkey has an important place in the economy. For these reasons, it is necessary to make these advantages sustainable by using transportation systems effectively and efficiently and making necessary plans. In this study, the capacity to contain the strategic objectives for the development of Turkey's transport sector is examined in a comparative manner with examples of developed countries. In addition, it is aimed to identify existing problems for the related sector and to develop solution suggestions. The scope of the study will include examples of selected EU countries and evaluations of the European Caucasus Asia Transport Corridor (TRACECA)
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