Native Economy in the Belgian Congo 1950 - 1953

The following comments may be made on this table. The income of the native population has increased by 50 % in two years, which is an appreciable figure. Such an increase has never been obtained in so short a time since Belgium entered Africa. This improvement is not entirely explained by the prosperity enjoyed by the Congo economy since the Korean war. Until recently, favourable business conditions operated almost exclusively to the advantage of European enterprises. In recent years, however, native incomes have been freed of part of their inelasticity as a result of the energetic steps taken by the Government to raise the standard of life of the population. With a view to improvement in the condition of the workers, particularly in country districts, the administration has fixed minimum wage-rates which are raised at regular intervals until they reach a basic or « vital » figure. In addition, the legislation on family allowances provides workers responsible for families with a substantial supplementary income, particularly in the centres. Finally, where customary way life prevails, the minimum prices fixed for purchase of plantation and gathered products from natives have followed the rise in world prices very closely. Wage-earners' incomes have climbed much more steeply than agricultural incomes : 70 % as againt 36 %. The difference results in the first place from the rise in nominal wage-rates brought about by scarcity of labour in the centres and the increase in minimum wage-rates in customary areas. It
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