Field and temperature dependent current-voltage characteristics of Al-Lu2O3-Al metal-insulator-metal diodes

Abstract In this study, we have investigated the charge transport properties of Al-Lu 2 O 3 -Al metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structure using high temperature, high filed current-voltage (I-V) characteristics. The MIM structure in symetric electrode configuration was fabricated on glass substrate by electron beam evaporation. Various conduction mechanisms have been tested to investigate the dominant charge transport mechanism in underlying MIM structure. Temperature dependent I-V data in the temperature range 323–403 K suggested that at least two different transport mechanisms operated in low and high field regions. The stright line graphs of LnI versus V 1/2 at different values of measurement temperatures confirming the presence of Schottky emission mechanism at low electric fields. The calculated values of dielectric constants at different temperatures found to be close agreement with experimental dielectric constant of Lu 2 O 3 . The linear relationship between Ln(I/V) versus V 1/2 graph at high electric field region evident that Poole-Frankel (PF) emission is dominant mechanism in high field region. Arrhenius plot, Schottky emission and activation energy graph were also plotted to further probe into the dominant conduction mechanism in Al-Lu 2 O 3 -Al structure.
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