Original Perfil nutricional de los menús eingesta dietética en comedores escolares de Vizcaya

Introduction: Nowadays the school canteen occupies a central place in the supply and in the nutritional educa­ tion of the children in school age. Objectives: To assess the nutritional adequacy of the school menus and the food intake of the children. Methods: 1,500 trays were selected in six school dining rooms of Biscay. Dietary intake was evaluated by means of the technique of double weighed and visual estimation ofthe residues. Results: Evaluation of the menus: Macronutrients: carbohydrates 48%, proteins 20%, Iipids 32%. Weekly offer: The first plate: vegetables 1.1; legumes 1.8; pota­ toes 0.4; pasta-rice 1.7. The second plate: meat 2.5; fish 1.4; eggs 0.6; precooked fried food 0.5. Garnish: potatoes 0.5; sauces 0.8; lettuce 1.7; cooked vegetables 1; no gar­ nish 1. Dessert: fruit 2.8; dairy product 2; other 0.2. Signi­ ficant changes have been observed in 4 % of the menus. The vegetable garnish is not served in 40% of the occa­ sions. 70% do not eat the vegetable garnish. Conclusions: Though the theoretical offer ofvegetables is appropriate, due to the fact that frequently the vegeta­ bIes are not ser ved in garnish and to that when they are served children do not eat them, their final intake is poor. The protein contribution to the diet is higher than the recommended. Meaningful changes take place often in the composition ofthe menus.
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