Global descriptions and decay rates for continuum excitation of weakly bound nuclei

In this work we will present an overview of our global studies on continuum excitations induced by protons, for the weakly bound nuclei $$^6\hbox {Li}$$ , $$^7\hbox {Li}$$ and $$^9\hbox {Be}$$ , presenting strong clustering modes. Measurements are made in inverse kinematics and extensive simulations have been developed, to corroborate the analysis and interpretation of the results. The focus of the measurements is on the breakup reaction, but simultaneously this research is complemented by the study of all involved reaction channels, including elastic scattering. In this respect our theoretical interpretation in a Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel approach can be fully validated. Between our sound conclusions we can underline the following: the non reciprocity between the strengths of the breakup probability and the coupling to continuum; the experimental validation of a continuum discretization for three body Continuum Discretized Coupled Channel theories; and last but not least the unique possibility for deducing continuum decay rates of borromean nuclei in proton induced studies, by considering the kinematics of the target recoil. Other specific conclusions for each system will be discussed.
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