Protocolo terapéutico de las crisis epilépticas en Urgencias

Seizures are one of the most common neurological emergencies. Not all of them have epileptic etiology but can also be secondary to systemic processes such as infections, arrhythmias, changes in acid-base balance or consuming toxic. It is important a good history and careful physical examination for differential diagnosis. The investigations include an analytical whole blood (with antiepileptic drug levels if the patient takes chronically), electrocardiogram and cranial computed tomography in the case of a first episode. Most crises are self-limiting in less than 5 minutes. If a longer duration is necessary to start treatment with benzodiazepines and different antiepileptic drugs to prevent progression to status, leading to significant morbidity and mortality and may require admission to intensive care. In general, after an isolated crisis should not pautar chronic antiepileptic treatment unless the risk of recurrence is high.
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