Quantitative and qualitative normative dataset for intraepidermal nerve fibers using skin biopsy

Background Skin biopsy is the most relevant tool to diagnose small-fiber neuropathy. A well-documented normal dataset for intraepidermal nerve fiber in the distal leg is required to improve its diagnostic value. Methods Three hundred healthy subjects were enrolled in the study, after clinical and biological screening to exclude neurological and systemic pathologies. A distal leg biopsy was taken and intraepidermal nerve fiber density after protein gene product-9.5 immunocytochemistry with brightfield microscopy was determined. Morphological variations of intraepidermal nerve fibers, previously described in small-fiber neuropathies, were analyzed. One hundred biopsies were also analyzed at the ultrastructural level. Findings The median number of fibers was lower in men compared to women and decreased with age. Using statistical modeling taking into account age and gender, we calculated the 5th percentile of intraepidermal nerve fiber density as follows: 7.6156–0.0769 x age (years) + 1.5506 x gender (woman = 1; man = 0). We observed a low frequency of large swellings or horizontal branchings but an increasing frequency of small swellings of intraepidermal nerve fibers and irregular distribution along the dermal-epidermal junction with age. Axonal diameter of unmyelinated fibers of the papillary dermis did not vary with age or gender. Ultrastructural analysis also showed that fiber endings in close apposition to Merkel cells should not be mistaken for small-fiber swellings. Conclusions Our dataset allows accurate calculation of the normal density of intraepidermal nerve fibers for each year of age and provides original morphological observations that improve the diagnostic value of skin biopsy in the distal leg for small-fiber neuropathy.
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